Paper session 16.11.2016 Sáhkaskáidi
11-12 Paper session, láidesteaddji/session leader Elisabeth Utsi-Gaup 60 min
Kárášjoga skuvlamánáid muitalusaid, maŋŋil nuppi máilmmisoađi.
Nomadskuvllaid ásaheapmi
13-15 Paper session, láidesteaddji/session leader Merja Paksuniemi 120 min
1. Lea Kantonen, University of the Arts Helsinki, 20 min
From the pre-colonial Aztec calmecac to Wixarika community-based intercultural schools
2. Lukas Allemann, University of Lapland, 20 min
“We were the incubator kids”: Narratives about education and family policy among Sámi people in the Soviet Union
3. Yoko Tanabe, University College London, 20 min
Uncommon schooling: the history and legacy of Ainu schools in Meiji Japan
4. Merja Paksuniemi, University of Lapland, 20 min
Highlighting Finnishness ahead the needs of the Sámi people – education during and after the war years in northern Finland
5. Marikaisa Laiti, University of Lapland, 20 min
Sami Early Childhood Education in Finland -Historical perspectives
6. Madoka Hammine, University of Lapland, 20 min
Sami Language Education:
Identities of Sami Language Teachers in Various School Context
Kárášjoga skuvlamánáid muitalusaid, maŋŋil nuppi máilmmisoađi.
- Inker-Anni Linkola, Sámi arkiiva, 20 min
Nomadskuvllaid ásaheapmi
13-15 Paper session, láidesteaddji/session leader Merja Paksuniemi 120 min
1. Lea Kantonen, University of the Arts Helsinki, 20 min
From the pre-colonial Aztec calmecac to Wixarika community-based intercultural schools
2. Lukas Allemann, University of Lapland, 20 min
“We were the incubator kids”: Narratives about education and family policy among Sámi people in the Soviet Union
3. Yoko Tanabe, University College London, 20 min
Uncommon schooling: the history and legacy of Ainu schools in Meiji Japan
4. Merja Paksuniemi, University of Lapland, 20 min
Highlighting Finnishness ahead the needs of the Sámi people – education during and after the war years in northern Finland
5. Marikaisa Laiti, University of Lapland, 20 min
Sami Early Childhood Education in Finland -Historical perspectives
6. Madoka Hammine, University of Lapland, 20 min
Sami Language Education:
Identities of Sami Language Teachers in Various School Context