Jan Henry KeskitaloRiegádan Guovdageainnus 1946.
Virggálaš oahppu: oahpaheaddji sámegielain 1968; cand.paed.spec/lektor 1984; dr.polit skuvlenoassi 1998; sámi oahpahusáššiid doseanta 2013; ealáhagas 2013 rájes. Eará oahput: Dieđalaš čállin (SA 2010); Neahttapedagogihkka (SA 2014) Bargovásáhus: vuođđoskuvlaoahpaheaddji; erenoamášpedagogihka ráđđeaddi (PP-kantuvra); oahpahusáššiid ráđđeaddi (Sámi oahpahusráđđi); sámi oahpaheaddjeoahpus lektor (Álttá oahpaheaddjeallaskuvllas ja Sámi allaskuvllas); sámi oahppofálaldagaid ossodatjođiheaddji (Álttá oahpaheaddjeallaskuvllas); sekšuvdnahoavda SEAD ja Sámi lohkanguovddážis (Sámi allaskuvllas). Sámi allaskuvlla rektor 1989-1996 |
Pedagogalaš dutkanberoštupmi: Davviguovlluid álgoálbmogiid skuvlenáššit
Guosseprofessor Western Washington University, WA, USA 1996-97 (11 mánu); guossedutki University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 1999 (3 mánu).
Oassalastan álgoálbmot skuvlenfierpmádatovttasbarggus 1975 rájes; ja viidát oktavuođain maŋimus 30 jagi. Sámi allaskuvlla láidesteaddji 2014 rájes. WINU pedagogihka gudnedoavttir 2015.
World Indigenous Nations Higher Education Consortium (WINHEC) jođiheaddji 2008-2011; UArctic Vice president indigenous issues 2010-13; World Indigenous Nations University (WINU) Deputy chancellor 2014-
UNESCO našunála kommišuvnna lahtu 2008-12.
HM Dronnings Sonja skolepris jury 2006-12
GÁLDU stivrajođiheaddji 2002-09; UArctic stivralahtu 2001-10; ICR stivralahtu 2010-
Ovddeš; Sámi oahpahusráđi ráđđejodiheaddji1987-93; Norgga kulturráđi miellahtu ja Sámi kulturlávdegotti jođiheaddji 1985-93; Norgga dutkanráđi servodat- ja humaniora ossodatstivrra Lhtu 1993-96; Sámi instituhta stivralahtu 1993-96.
Almmuheamit: Geahča SA girjerájus: Oria.no
Guosseprofessor Western Washington University, WA, USA 1996-97 (11 mánu); guossedutki University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 1999 (3 mánu).
Oassalastan álgoálbmot skuvlenfierpmádatovttasbarggus 1975 rájes; ja viidát oktavuođain maŋimus 30 jagi. Sámi allaskuvlla láidesteaddji 2014 rájes. WINU pedagogihka gudnedoavttir 2015.
World Indigenous Nations Higher Education Consortium (WINHEC) jođiheaddji 2008-2011; UArctic Vice president indigenous issues 2010-13; World Indigenous Nations University (WINU) Deputy chancellor 2014-
UNESCO našunála kommišuvnna lahtu 2008-12.
HM Dronnings Sonja skolepris jury 2006-12
GÁLDU stivrajođiheaddji 2002-09; UArctic stivralahtu 2001-10; ICR stivralahtu 2010-
Ovddeš; Sámi oahpahusráđi ráđđejodiheaddji1987-93; Norgga kulturráđi miellahtu ja Sámi kulturlávdegotti jođiheaddji 1985-93; Norgga dutkanráđi servodat- ja humaniora ossodatstivrra Lhtu 1993-96; Sámi instituhta stivralahtu 1993-96.
Almmuheamit: Geahča SA girjerájus: Oria.no
Abstract |
Vuolggasadji ságastallamii lea Norggabeale oahpahusdilli skuvllain Sámis 1960-jahkeloguin. Sámeáššiid čielggadanlávdegoddi (Samekomiteen) lei buktán iežas cealkámuša 1959’is. Čuovvovaš gulahallamat áššis ovdanbukte soames guovlluin vuostehágu árvalusaide movt buoridit sámiid ekonomalaš, sosiála ja kultuvrralaš dili.
Skuvla- ja oahpahusáššit ledje maid digaštallama guovddážis. Skuvlla oahpahusgiella, sámegiela ja sámi kultuvrra sadji skuvlavuogádagas gárte guovddáš áššiin. Nu leage ođđa áigi norggabeale sámi skuvlenortnegis álgán, mii sáhttit otná skuvladilis bálgáid čuovvut maŋošguvlui áššiide mat ledje dalle juo guovddáš áššit. Sámeráđđi lágidii borgemánus 1965 davviriikalaš sámeoahpaheddjiid čoahkkima norggabeale Mázen. Čoahkkima ulbmil lei addit sámeoahpaheddjiide vejolašvuođa digaštallat áššiid mat sin mielas ledje áigeguovdilis hástalusat, dal go ledje golgagoahtán ođđa sámepolitihkalaš rávnnjit. Guovddáš áššit ledje nu go sámegieloahpahusa dilli ja ovddidandárbbut álggahit dárkilis álgooahppanfálaldagaid, oahppogirjedilálašvuohta ja vejolaš miehtá sámi ovttasbargu, movt sámi kulturosiide láhččit saji oahpahusas. Muhto lei maid sáhka pedagogalaš dutkandárbbuid birra, movt ollašuhttit seamma árvvolaš oahpahusa prinsihpaid sámi mánáide go earáide, namalassii oahppi ja oahppibirrasis vuolgit ja movt skuvla oppalaččat sáhttá dan dustet. Diet dáhpáhuvai juo fargga guokte sohkabuolvva das ovdal. Dan rájes lea gal ollu dáhpáhuvvon. Skuvlenortnegat leat gal ovdánan ja buoriduvvon, muhto ain orru ollu dagakeahttá, ja muhtin áššit leat čoavddekeahttá gessodan miehta áiggi. Ođđa sámeásahusat leat ceggejuvvon, ollu bárggut ordnejuvvon, sámit organiserejuvvon máŋgga ládje. Álgoálbmotovttasbargu lea maid buktán ođđa jurdagiid, ja oahpahusáššiid oktavuođas diekkár ovttasbargu álggahuvvui dušše moadde jagi maŋŋil Máze-čoahkkima. Mii sáhttit máŋgga dáfus čuovvut iešguđetlágán ovdánahttima linjjáid sámi oahpahusáššiin. Sáhkavuorus lea fáddán čuvget ja digaštallat soames dáin áššiin mat orrut leamen guovddáš sámi skuvlenáššit áiggiid. Vuođđooahpahusa, oahpaheaddjeoahpahusa áššit deattuhuvvojit. Vuolggasadji lea norggabeale sámi skuvlendilli maid mun dovddan buoremusat, muhto oainnán ahte leat miehtá sámi ollo seammasullasaš hástalusat. Maid mii dasto jurddašat boahtteáiggi sámi skuvlla birra? Sáhttit go mii atnit ávkki daid vásáhusain mat mis leat, ja maid skuvlahistorjá sáhttá čuvget midjiide. Gos sáhttit mii muđui gávdnat doarjaga ovdánahttit sámi skuvlla? |
The departure point of the presentation is the schooling situation in Sápmi of Norway in the 1960-es. The Sámi Commission delivers their proposal in 1959, followed from some areas negative attitudes to the proposals how to positively promote the economy, the social and the cultural conditions for the Sámi.
School and education issues also were at the core of the discussions. The language of instruction in the schools, the status of the sámi language and culture in the education system became central points. This forms the departure of a new era of the Sámi School in Norway. From the current school situation, we can follow the threads back to issues already then focused on. The Sámi Council organized a Nordic sámi teacher’s conference at Máze, Norway in August 1965. The theme for the conference was to facilitate an opportunity for sámi teachers to deliberate over issues and challenges they considered actual and critical, since the occurrence of new trends and moves in the politics towards the Sámi took place. Core issues became the status of the teaching of the sámi language and improvements needed to start organizing a systematic reading program in sámi language, the status and availability of instructional materials, and Nordic cooperation regarding development of textbooks, as well, as how to integrate culturally based elements into the school programs. But also occurred presentation and discussion around educational research about how to reach principles of equity and programs of equal value for sámi children compared with the majority; to start with the child and its community in small, and how the school as a whole could facilitate such principles. This happened almost two generations ago. A lot happened since then. The education programs has been improved and reorganized. Still, there seems to still exist challenges unsolved, others has remained unsolved throughout the time passed. New sámi institutions are organized, many common sámi organized modes has occurred, and sámis are organized in many different ways. Indigenous people’s cooperation has brought about many new ideas. In the case of education, it started already just a few years after the Máze conference. Many of the issues present and there lines of development as well as improvement can be traced back in time. The presentation aims at focusing on and discussing some of the central issues of sámi education throughout the decades since 1965. The basic education and teacher training will get priority. The point of departure will be the Sámi School in Norway as I know better, but I consider many of the issues are common throughout the Sápmi. What ideas do we have about the future of the Sámi School? How can we build upon and generate from our experience and from what the school history brings about? Where elsewhere could we identify support to further improve the Sámi School? |