Andrej KotljarchukAssociate professor, School of Historical and Contemporary Studies, Södertörn University
Title for the speech:
Andrej KotljarchukDoseanta, vuosttašamanuensa, Södertörn allaskuvla
Sáhkavuoru namma:
Swedish colonists of Ukraine in the totalitarian experiments of the twenties century (Stockholm Studies in History, 2014), the book chapters “Ethnic cleansing in the Barents region”, in The Barents Encyclopedia, ed. by Lars Elenius (Umeå, forthcoming) and “The Nordic Threat: Soviet Ethnic Cleansing on the Kola Peninsula”, in The Sea of Identities. A century of Baltic and East European Experiences with Nationality, Class, and Gender, ed. by Norbert Götz (Stockholm: Södertörn Academic Studies 60, 2014); as well as the articles “”Norwegians in the Stalinist Terror: New Perspectives for Research”, in Fortid (2015:2) and “Kola Sami in the Stalinist terror: a quantitative analysis”, in Journal of Northern Studies (2012:2). Personal webpage: Wikipedia, see: